HR experience and expertise that is global.

A former lawyer, I was fortunate enough to discover a passion for people development early on, and made it my career. I held the most senior people development position for global banking giant HSBC before leaving to pursue a consuming interest in why people follow. I wanted to help others overcome the 'born not made theory'. I achieved my goal with considerable success, wrote a business bestseller (Will the Real Leader Please Stand Up?) and went on to become something of a global HR troubleshooter. The two businesses I founded to meet demand were groundbreaking. My initiatives regularly saw off proposals from the likes of Babson, Cornell, IMD and INSEAD. To date I am privileged to have worked with the nationals of 58 countries on 4 continents.
Consulting with true Passion
and real Empathy.
Passions can change and evolve. Since my earliest childhood I have been an animal lover, and heavily involved in dog rescue since the mid 1990s. A vegetarian since 1990, I became a vegan in 2012 and realized my own need to walk my talk to the fullest of my capability. To this end my wife and I founded Piece of Heaven Project in 2015, which is now one of British Columbia's largest farm animal sanctuaries. But this wasn't enough.
A few years ago, with my adult education perspective, I realized why the passive climate change education techniques being used to try and motivate the mass populous were having little impact. So with a former colleague, I founded Plant Based Future, a lobbying organization that aims to help big business achieve widescale dietary change.
But I still want to do more. I want to help businesses in the animal welfare or plant based foods development sector (what I refer to as the 'For Good' sector) ensure that they have the best guidance possible to overcome the challenges they face. I have a unique understanding and whole-hearted commitment to the sector because, unlike most HR consultants, I am part of it.
To this end, I now offer my services, at discounted rates, to any 'For Good' business. I am prepared to go anywhere to help them achieve success. There is no charge for initial consultation, development or travel time.
At this point in my life, I want to use my knowledge and expertise to help your vegan business make a difference.
Shall we talk?